If you take time to compare one gear store to another (and we recommend you do, to find your best fit for your journey and end goal) you’ll find that the big differences are:
We are fun! While we are professional, we don’t take ourselves too seriously and like to laugh and be creative. We are all just a bunch of big kids flying big kites, after all. We want our customers/students to have fun, to shake off the willies and just be relaxed and excited about their discovery of flight, as we’ve found that the best learning happens when you’re having fun.
We are flexible. We teach year round, 7 days a week (weather permitting), and we can work with you to accommodate your schedule.
We are distributors! We are distributors of paragliding, speedflying and paramotor products, so we can find you the best gear when you are ready. While you are first learning, we use practically new equipment to teach you on. Fresh equipment makes a big difference in the safety and ease of learning.
Hours of airtime. Team Flystyle pilots offer hours of hands-on airtime. This opportunity exists through around 3-10 instructional tandem flights (depending on the customer/student’s needs). Tandem instruction is our specialty, and is an integral component of our training program and essential for the developing pilot. Students more readily absorb and understand flight aspects with an instructor by their side giving crucial feedback at the correct moments.